Coin Arbitrages is the most comprehensive arbitrage calculator application that compares the prices of your favorite coins across dozens of the most popular crypto exchanges and calculates the best arbitrage.Features:- More than 100 exchanges including the most popular ones (list is below)- Thousands of crypto coins- You can choose your favorite coins and exchanges between the available ones.- Alarm feature that notifies you if there is big spread between any of your markets.- You can calculate arbitrage results for any of 3 counter currencies (, BTC, ETH).Coins:- Bitcoin- Ethereum- Litecoin- Bitcoin Cash- Ripple- Dash- ....Exchanges:- BtcMarkets- CexIo- HitBtc- CoinSecure- BitFlyer- BlinkTrade- BitcoinVenezuela- CCex- CoinJar- Bitfinex- Bitstamp- Luno- Unocoin- FoxBit- BitcoinAverage- Coinapult- Gdax- Vaultoro- Bittrex- MercadoBitcoin- Cryptonit- Kraken- BitMaszyna- ShapeShift- WexNz- Paribu- GateCoin- Koinex- CoinExchange- BitMarket24PL- Poloniex- Lykke- CoinFloor- Liqui- OkCoin- BitBay- FybSg- FybSe- CoinsBank- Binance- Braziliex- GateIo- ZebPay- Bitlio- KuCoin- SatoshiTango- Huobi- Quoine- BitKonan- Korbit- Exmo- Bl3p- Koineks- Uphold- BitcoinCoId- BitFlyerFX- LocalBitcoins- Cryptopia- Abucoins- Coinone- CoinNest- Bleutrade- Gemini- Koinim- CoinTree- LakeBtc- NegocieCoins- Bithumb- Bitso- BtcTurk- CoinMateIo- Paymium- QuadrigaCX- BtcBox- YoBit- BitexLa- TheRockTrading- CoinDesk- ItBit- CoinsPh- Livecoin- BitMex- OkEx- BitZ- LBank- VeBitcoin